The Tokyo Independent - Tokyo Dokuritsu Shimbun Six issues of a very scarce newspaper. No copies outside Japan.
[Japan] Six issues of this largely unknown publication that was edited and published by F. Warrington Eastlake (1858-1905), who was very active in Japan. It seems there are some references to a magazine titled, 'The Tokyo Independent Magazine', but this was not published until around 1898. There is one just one issue (May 1, 1886) of 'The Tokyo Independent' held in Japan at Doshisha University and don't appear to be any copies outside Japan. The articles are informative and cover: The Fullert Case, Literature, The Red Cross, Korea's Fate, The Nagasaki Affray and so on. According to the newspaper, 600 copies were circulated throughout Japan so it would seem very few copies have survived. The newspaper only lasted 2 or 3 years. Advertisements for Chiarini's Circus (Giuseppe Chiarini (1823-1897)) are especially interesting.
The six issues are Sep. 18, 1886 (No. 37, Vol. I) 10pp., Oct 16, 1886 (No. 41, Vol. I) 6pp. (incomplete), Oct. 23, 1886 (No. 42, Vol. I) 10pp., Jan. 15, 1887 (No. 3 Vol. II) 12pp., Jan. 22, 1887 (No. 4, Vol II) 10pp., and Feb. 9, 1887 (No. 6, Vol. II) 10pp. Each 38.4 x 26.2cm (folded).
Tsukiji, Tokyo. F. Warrington Eastlake, The Tokyo Independent Office. 1886-1887.
In good condition. General age wear and some minor darkening. A few minor tears, marks, and chipped edges. Oct. 16, 1886 issue missing 4pp (one folded leaf). Other five issues all complete.