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Conversations in Japanese & English (with a Copious Vocabulary)

by F. Lowder

Conversations in Japanese & English (with a Copious Vocabulary) by F. Lowder
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Conversations in Japanese & English (with a Copious Vocabulary) by F. Lowder

Conversations in Japanese & English compiled for the use of Visitors and Residents. By F. Lowder, Interpreter in Her Majesty's Consular Service in Japan. Part I - June 1867. Very scarce and very early work by John Frederick Lowder (1843-1902) who arrived in Japan in 1861 and worked as an interpreter at the British consulate in Yokohama. It appears that only this Part I was ever published. The final section contains a very interesting sample dialogue between a Westerner and a samurai in English and romanized Japanese under the title, 'Parley with Two-Sworded Men' (who look menacing). It begins with a character named Jones who says, 'Have we done anything impolite towards you in any way?', to which the reply is given, 'Yes! Why don't you get off your horse? That's impolite when a samurai is passing along!'. Jones then says, 'Is it! It is the custom of my country not to dismount from a horse even tho' an officer be passing!' and ends with a final warning by the samurai, 'Is it! This is Japan; and in Japan if one doesn't dismount we cut him down!' Of course this was just five years after the Namamugi Incident and three years after the Kamakura Incident so Lowder obviously thought such phrases in Japanese would be useful.

Yokohama. Printed and Published at the 'Japan Times' Office. 1867. pp[2], vi, 46[12]. 16.1 x 11.5cm.

Overall in good shape. Covers worn and corners chipped with minor loss. A few pinprick sized worm holes through the book. Inside covers stained and marked with minor damage. Binding is a bit weak but holding quite well. A few stains and marks on some pages along with a couple of pencil marks on one page.



Conversations in Japanese & English (with a Copious Vocabulary)

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