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Japanese Fairy Tales
Der Wanderbare Hammer
tr. by Leopoldine Knauer, 1931
88,000 yen
La bataille du singe et du crabe - Japanese Fairy Tale in French
Very scarce plain paper edition, 1885
88,000 yen
Momotaro oder Pfirschling [Japanese Fairy Tale in German]
Scarce plain paper edition, 1889
66,000 yen
The Wonderful Mallet - Crepe Paper Book
Told in English by Mrs. T.H. James, 1899
66,000 yen
The Wooden Bowl - Scarce plain paper edition
Told in English by Mrs. T.H. James, 1887
77,000 yen
The Wooden Bowl - Large crepe paper edition
Told in English by Kate James, 1934
110,000 yen
The Goblin Spider - Lafcadio Hearn
Elusive plain paper edition, 1926
220,000 yen
The Fountain of Youth
crepe paper fairy tale by Lafcadio Hearn, 1925
66,000 yen
Shitakiri Suzume - Japanese Fairy Tale in French
On plain paper in fine condition, 1885
77,000 yen
The Cub's Triumph - Plain Paper Edition
Told to children by Mrs. T.H. James, 1886
99,000 yen
Mysterious Plain Paper edition of Momotaro
latest known plain paper issue, 1940
66,000 yen
Momotaro in French on crepe paper
Les Contes du Vieux Japan, 1886
66,000 yen
The Serpent with Eight Heads - Scarce misprint
Wrong author's name on cover, 1886
88,000 yen
The Broken Images
Told in English by Mrs. T. H. James, 1903
99,000 yen
The Goblin Spider
by Lafcadio Hearn, 1899
77,000 yen
The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumpling
Rendered into English by Lafcadio Hearn, 1902
77,000 yen
Aino Fairy Tales No.1 - The Hunter in Fairy-land
by B. H. Chamberlain, 1887
242,000 yen
Aino Fairy Tales No.3 - The Man Who Lost His Wife
by Basil Hall Chamberlain, 1889
330,000 yen
Conte du Vieux Japon - Trois Reflexions
Traduit par J. Dautremer, 1934
99,000 yen
Momotaro - early edition on plain paper
in fine condition, 1885
88,000 yen
The Boy Who Drew Cats
Scarce, small, crepe paper edition, 1898
77,000 yen
The Flowers of Remembrance and Forgetfulness
by Mrs. T.H. James, No date (but c1890s)
Japanese Fairy Tale - Momotaro
by Kate James, 1932
Set of 5 Crepe Paper Japanese Fairy Tales
by Lafcadio Hearn, 1931
Le Viellard Et Les Demons
tr. by J. Dautremer, 1897
Le Bras De L'Ogre
tr. by J. Dautremer, 1913
The Goblin Spider
by Lafcadio Hearn, 1899
Princess Splendor - The Woodcutter's Daughter
Beautiful crepe paper work by Hasegawa, 1892
The Fountain of Youth - Lafcadio Hearn
Elusive plain paper edition, 1930
The Flowers of Remembrance and Forgetfulness
On crepe paper by Hasegawa Takejiro, 1939
The Wooden Bowl
On crepe paper by Hasegawa Takejiro, 1934
Three Reflections
On crepe paper by Hasegawa Takejiro, 1925
Momotaro (large format)
On crepe paper by Hasegawa Takejiro, 1932
The Boy Who Drew Cats
Translated by Lafcadio Hearn, 1898
Aino Fairy Tales - The Birds' Party
by B. H. Chamberlain, 1887
Princess Splendor - The Woodcutter's Daughter
Translated by E. Rothesay Miller. Plain paper., 1889
Oyeyama Oni Taidji - Japanese fairy tale in French
by Louisman? and...?, c1890
The Serpent With Eight Heads
Scarce misprint on cover, 1886
Katchi Katchi Yama - Japanese fairy tale in French
by Louisman? and...?, c1890
Saru Kani Kassen - Japanese Fairy Tale in English
Very scarce true 1st edition in plain brown covers., 1885
Shita Kiri Suzume - Japanese Fairy Tale in French
Very scarce true 1st edition in plain brown covers., 1885
Eight Japanese Crepe Paper Fairy Tales in original box
Very scarce and obscure Osaka editions, 1900
The Ogre's Arm - Crepe Paper Book
tr. by Mrs. T. H. James, 1889
The Ord Tale of Tongue Cotted Sparrow [sic]
Very scarce and obscure Osaka edition, 1900
Cach Cach Yama (Kachi-Kachi Yama)
tr. by John Alfred, c1888
Momotaro - The Japanese Fairy Tales - For School and Home Use
Orig. tr. by David Thompson & Ed. by Mrs. T. H. James, 1887
Shita Kiri Suzume [The Tongue-Cut Sparrow] - Japanese Fairy Tale in English
Very scarce true 1st edition in plain brown covers, 1885
The Serpent With Eight Heads - Plain Paper Edition
tr. by Basil Hall Chamberlain, 1886
The Matsuyama Mirror - Plain paper edition
tr. by Mrs. T. H. James, 1886
The Cub's Triumph - Plain paper edition with movable door
tr. by Mrs. T. H. James, 1887