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Illustrated Japanese books

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Niphon Gwafu - A Collection of Sketches by Japanese Artists
Edited by Matsumoto Fuko, 1891
99,000 yen
Illustrated Reference Book of Historical Collections
by Aoyama Sekichi, 1906
16,500 yen
Eimei Hyaku Yuden (Stories of 100 Heroes)
Presented to William Fraser by Fumio Nomura, 1863
165,000 yen
Place Names of Cities and Countries in Japanese
Obscure work, c1870
38,500 yen
Tales of Yokohama - Flower of the Port
by Kikuen Rojin, c1864
198,000 yen
The Comings and Goings of Worldwide Trade
Yoshikawa Hanshichi, 1873
49,500 yen
Shotaika Jinbutsu Gafu
by Fukui Gessai, 1896
44,000 yen
Photo Book of Deer in Japan
by Kawai Chiku, 1898
44,000 yen
Misa Haireishiki (The Ceremony of Mass)
by Fr. Bernard Petitjean, 1931
99,000 yen
Woodblock Printed Book of Flower Ball Designs
by the Ueno Kenkyukai, 1934
121,000 yen
Palmistry - First Japanese Book on the subject
by Matsumoto Hoshizo, 1909
44,000 yen
Japanese Woodblock Printed Orihon with 19 Fan (Uchiwa) Designs
Various artists, c1900
88,000 yen
Abbreviated Sketches - Ryakuga Shiki
by Kitao Masayoshi (aka Kuwagata Keisai), 1795
88,000 yen
Playful Illustrations of High Class Courtesans
Illustrated by Saito Shuho, 1903
77,000 yen
Chikuto Kacho Gafu
Woodblock printed birds & flowers by Nakabayashi Chikuto, 1909
77,000 yen
Ganzen Oshie no Chikamichi
by Tsuda Masanari (aka Rokugotei), 1828
77,000 yen
Osui Gafu - 3 volume set
by Asai Osui, 1880
121,000 yen
Gyokuko Gashu
Playful, woodblock printed illustrations, 1925
165,000 yen
Shuka - Lovely woodblock printed book with 72 designs
edited by Sato Chuichi, 1926
110,000 yen
Shinsen Goshodoki Onhinagata - Set of 4 Design Books
by Nakayasu Kando, 1934
330,000 yen
Western Clothing, Food and Living
Illustrated throughout, 1867
88,000 yen
Illustrations of Historical Events
Illustrated & Printed by Ariyama Teijiro, 1893
77,000 yen
The Spirit of Missions - March 1860
with list of the first Protestant missionaries in Japan , 1860
33,000 yen
Catalogue of Ivory Work
Tatsumiya (Toyoshichi Kato), 1907
55,000 yen
Illustrated Book of Artificial Flowers for Practical Use
Uncommon book by Ms. Haruko Yoshizumi, 1911
88,000 yen
Japanese Book on Western Magic
by Yamada Kyotaro, 1897
77,000 yen
Hana Kagami - Woodblock Printed Masterpiece
by Kobayashi Gyokunen, 1904
1,540,000 yen
Yukata Design Book
by Keishokyo Sofu, 1927
44,000 yen
Namima no Nishiki - Brocades of the Waves
Lovely coloured lithographs of various fish, 1884
110,000 yen
Illustrations from Japanese History
by Adachi Ginko, 1885
49,500 yen
Photo Book of Ibaraki Prefecture
Filled with images of buildings, industry and people, 1907
77,000 yen
Kyogen Ga - Illustrations of Kyogen
by Ise Monsui, 1919
99,000 yen
Itcho Kyogashu - Caricatures by Hanabusa Itcho
Lovely, woodblock printed book, 1888
110,000 yen
Ichiro Gafu
Woodblock printed book by Gakutei, c1900
88,000 yen
Catalogue of Imari Gold Porcelain Ware
Arita Tojiki Co., Ltd., c1940
132,000 yen
Keiran Gafu - Colour lithographs of orchids
Large, impressive work, 1888
275,000 yen
Fifty-Three Views of the Tokaido in Potted Tray Landscapes
Very scarce, original printing, 1848
187,000 yen
Hokusai Shashin Gafu
Lovely book showing nice selection of his art, 1891
121,000 yen
Ginko Manga
Lovely pair of woodblock printed books by Adachi Ginko, 1902
88,000 yen
Watch and Clock Importer Favre-Brandt of Yokohama
Scarce, early, illustrated, product booklet, c1875
176,000 yen
Woodblock printed book by Suzuki Harunobu
Lovely folding orihon, c1910
121,000 yen
Group of three 19th Century Japanese Photography Publications
Illustrated catalogues and periodical, 1894-98
77,000 yen
First Steps in Science
with descriptions of ambrotype and Daguerreotype process, c1870
44,000 yen
Kishi Yohon - Illustrated book of Samurai Accessories
by Seki Goryu, 1813
55,000 yen
Japanese Proverbs and Pictures
Selected and edited by Frederick Starr, 1910
132,000 yen
Scarce work on Westerners Living in Yokohama
One of the earliest such books ever published in Japan, 1861
220,000 yen
Woodblock Printed Book of Fish and other Sea Creatures
Lovely work by Kitao Masayoshi (Kuwagata Keisai), c1910
99,000 yen
Kita Ezo Zusetsu - Illustrated Books on Sakhalin
Complete Set of 4 Books by Mamiya Rinzo, 1855
550,000 yen
Woodblock Printed Book of People and Nature
by Kitazume Yukei, 1879
44,000 yen
Famous Views in Kyoto, Japan
Illustrated pair of woodblock printed books, 1893
110,000 yen

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